Primary Tutors Market Harborough
If you are looking for a primary tutor for your child, the group of experienced primary focussed tutors we act for can add real value to your child’s continued education.
All of the primary tutors have had years of experience in various local primary schools and are all top professionals in their own right.They are able to offer tuition in all the key subjects of Maths, English, and Science and also if you are looking for help with SAT’s preparation or common entrance exams.
They also have experience helping children with special educational needs such as dyslexia and dyscalculia and have a caring, helpful approach when it comes to boosting self-confidence.
The primary tutors can certainly help your child progress at school and help them improve their overall academic performance.
Click here to see the tutors we work with.

English Tuition Services
If your child is aged 4 to 7 or in Reception, Year 1 or 2, then this is the best time to teach and practice phonics so that they have a real grasp of using their sounds to break down and read words.
Using a methodical approach to teach phonics, your child will be shown how to access the opportunities offered by the school curriculum.
Your child will be taught how to write words and build sentences.
They will teach your child proper hand writing formation so that letters and words are correctly written on the line the right way round and also help them to get ready to excel in their Year 1 school phonics test, Year 2 SATs or 7+ entrance exam.